Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Linux and Mac OS X are now playing nicely

After spending 2 hours of building and configuring Netatalk and Avahi on my Linux box, my wife's MacBook finally managed to browse the files on the Linux machine. All thanks to the guide on sharing directory using AFP at Gentoo-Wiki.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Making Linux and Mac OS X becomes good buddies

Last Friday I helped my wife to get her a MacBook. All the basic setup such as basic networking went pretty well. The hardware performed quite impressively - the only potential problem I foresee to pose a problem would be the heat.

Next would be attempting file sharing with Linux since my wife used and stored my Linux machine before MacBook came. I saw a potential product call Netatalk which look like a good candidate to do just that. May be later tonight or tomorrow night I'll attempt to build Netatalk and play around with it.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Smoking - An Islamic Perspective

I tuned to Radio IKIM.FM while driving this morning and the DJ was already half way discussing about smoking. It was an interesting discussion with a number of callers making their comments.

So when I reach my office, I immediately look for the fatwa or Islamic edict on smoking at eFatwa portal. Below are the fatwas I found:

Fatwa by the state of Kedah:

Merokok adalah haram
Fatwa by the state of Perlis:
Mesyuarat telah meneliti dan berbincang dengan panjang lebar serta memutuskan bahawa menanam tembakau/merokok dan memanfaatkan hasil tembakau adalah HARAM dengan berpandukan dalil-dalil serta nas-nas al-Quran, hadis dan pendapat para ulama yang muktabar.
Fatwa by the state of Selangor:
(1) Merokok adalah haram

(2) Oleh yang demikian , adalah haram bagi mana-mana orang Islam menghisap apaapa jenis rokok.

(3) Bagi maksud faiwa ini , “ rokokialah tembakau yang digulung dengan kertas atau daun nipah atau selainnya.
Fatwa by the state of Sarawak:
Merokok adalah haram dari pandangan Islam kerana padanya terdapat kemudaratan pada kesihatan dan pembaziran pada perbelanjaan
In summary, the Islamic scholars and Muftis from the 4 states all agreed beyond doubt and proclaimed that smoking is forbidden, or haram.